August 4, 2009

yay...sort of

we went to spokane to the world's coolest dental office for kids
equiped with video games, kids movies and otter pops
noah did really well
but of course doesn't really prefer people in his mouth right now
they decided to leave them for now
apparently that's the latest approach
he has some prescribed antibiotics
and motrin
so hopefully his teeth won't get infected
and we go back in 2 weeks
but until then we just leave his teeth
i'm so glad he's not toothless yet
but if he has to be
it'll be fine


andre'a said...

such a jarring experience. I'm so glad that everything worked out! Noah would need his two front teeth for Christmas for probably the next 3 Christmases!

Kirsten said...

Oh goodness! I didn't know all that happened.'s he going to deal with the teeth issue for the next two weeks? That seems like that would be REALLY painful. Poor guy. I hope he feels okay.

Monica said...

I like Pink's positive spin on it. It's nice you have some time to deal with the adjustment of him getting the teeth pulled if he has to.