July 1, 2009


just looking through the pics
thought i'd post one
should i cut my bangs again?
they're in a good spot right now
but i've thought about going really short with them again
except more rounded less choppy
i told michael i'd wait until after we get together with my family this weekend
i don't want them to think i'm weird
is that weird?
speaking of michael and weird
will he please stop spray painting inside?
we've lost enough brain cells for a lifetime
but our couch is looking alive and refreshed
and less cat clawed
who likes cats anyway?
we're giving the living room a more grown up look
i'm sick of all the color
the same color i so craved before
now i'm sick of it
we watched confessions of a shopaholic tonight
it was cute enough but kind of weird
am i a change-aholic?
i think so
but michael is too so we work fine
just love him


Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Isn't it fun to look through older pics?!
I have a lot where I think "what was I thinking?!" And then I have others where I think "I don't look as bad as I thought I did!" I love those pics :)
Lol and I love the part about not wanting Michael's fam to think you're weird XD They wont! Your hair always looks great!

Ryan said...

People think that because I'm 30, I should act like a grown up, but it feels weird when I do. Please post pics of your new grown up living room. I can't wait to see.

Ryan said...

Oh, and I would chop your bangs before we get together. I want to see.

Burkulater said...

I'm a change-a-holic. We've had 30-some swatches on our walls for 3 years. I can't decide.

I am also a bang-cutter-on-a-whim girl. I don't know why, but it always happens sometime after 10pm and I wonder if I did the right thing the next day.