May 19, 2009

random, i know

anyone want our free kids picnic table?
(sure I found it in the dumpster, but it's clean)
anyone want a bunch of tulle for making tutus that i already cut into strips? 
(i was really bored)
but i ran out of people to make tutus for
anyone (kelsey?) want some bleach and developer and color bowls?
anyone need a box of unopened rice cereal?
let me know
also, i need help
does anyone know of a good photographer either in this area or in pullman?
now that the kids are 3 and (will be in a week) 1 
and i'm not preggie
i want to get our family pics taken
let me know, thanks!
my e-mail is


Kelsey Danielle said...

K I know a great photographer and she's really really cheap! also I would love love love the hair stuff...I was actually going to ask if you wanted your perm rods back. I forgot. And if you can't find anyone to take the picnic table I think it would be great on our porch!

Janelle said...

I'll take the tulle, as long as you tell me how to make it into tutus. I have two cute girls who need them!

miriam said...

my husband takes pictures. he's not professional but he has a nice camera and has taken pictures for some people before (including my smith family). there's a link to his photography from our blog. I'll get him to post some from a family he did here about a month ago. but he'll do it free and it won't hurt his feelings if he did it and you weren't really happy and wanted to do them again.

Rachael said...

Thank you Daryl for taking our rice cereal. Thank you Kelsey for taking my hair stuff and the picnic table (and for the super yummy cinnamon rolls and bread). Janelle I'll contact you so you can get the tulle. And thank YOU for all of your photography help!! I really appreciate it!!