April 12, 2009

easter sunday

We have had a really nice day.
We had a little egg hunt.
I mean really little. 
One m & m in each egg for Noah
and one little gerber puff in each egg for Hazel.
Michael made us omelets.
We got things ready for Easter dinner with my sister's family.
Then we went to church.
We're never late.
But today we were. Easter Sunday of all days.
Getting there late meant we didn't get our normal seat which meant Noah was way "off".
So it was one of the most unspiritual Sacrament meetings for me. 
Too bad, too.
He kept screaming.
Nothing was wrong.
Except our seats, I guess.

Noah and Hazel's easter baskets. 
Is it really worth moving them again
and hanging on to them for their
once a year use?

I'm not sure why but Michael thought this flower was a little excessive.

So I toned it down a little.

This is not quite how I thought we'd spend our one evening a week together.
8:30 and he's completely asleep.
And using my pillow...


Laurel said...

lol. I love it!!

andre'a said...

that is SO funny! Happy Easter, Frenchie! I love that Michael was asleep by so early. I would have loved to have been asleep at 8:30. We had eggs for din-din.