March 18, 2009


i'm so happy
and i'm glad i'm happy
i have the world's best husband
and i'm so happy to be a mom 
i have the two most wonderful children
they bring me so much joy
michael is the best husband i could ever have
he's so nice
and agreeable
and lets me do ridiculous things
and likes it
he treats me like a queen
he thinks i'm hilarious
like really thinks it
and i'm kind of funny but he really thinks i'm funny
rarely does he even get irritable
and i totally irritate him
and pinch him
and mess with him
and sometimes even argue with him for no reason
except maybe it's a bad marital habit that i formed before i met him
i miss him
he's such a good man
my mom says he reminds her of President Hinckley
i see it
michael is amazing
he's such a good dad
he forgets noah's not his biological son
unless someone else mentions it
then it catches him off guard and he remembers
but it makes no difference
noah is his
just like hazel is his
i love him
i'm glad he's mine
i'm glad i made the moves i made that led me to him
it's so funny how we came to be
i had to be divorced and a single mom 
it wouldn't have ever happened in a million years otherwise
even if i was just divorced, i wouldn't have met him
i had to have noah too
it's just amazing
i'm so grateful
Heavenly Father knows so much more than i could
i didn't understand why my life was how it was for so long
even when i was seventeen and getting married 
i didn't know why
i thought someone would stop me
i'm so glad they didn't
i'm glad i had that experience
and noah
and now i know what i want in a husband
and it's all michael
and now i have hazel, too
what a wonderful life
i love you, michael


jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

That is so got me all choked a good way =)

Kelsey Danielle said...

I'm so so so so glad things turned out the way they did. Michael is a great guy! You are such a lucky girl!!

Christie said...

yay! I'm so happy that you're so happy with life and your husband! and speaking of happiness and being married and all that - I just found a box of wedding gift thank-you cards that for some reason never got addressed or sent, and yours is one of them! sorry!!! sooo.... may I have your address please? another one in the box was for Shane O'Neill... do you happen to have his address or phone # or anything?

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

love to read your blog, as usual. So glad that everything is going GREAT

andre'a said...

Frenchie, I almost got emotional reading this. It's so beautiful, to look at all you're blessed with.