January 13, 2009

the story of my life

Ya know, I've done a few things in my life that I never thought I would do.
To name a few...I didn't know I'd get married so young,
divorce so young, and be remarried so young.
Nor did I know I'd be a young mom, although I did have my suspicions there.
Not to say I didn't think I'd get married young.
I did think that.
I just didn't know how it would all happen...twice.
It's just funny how life happens.
I'm the mother of 2,
I live with my brother in law,
I spend most of my days cooped up in my room
to avoid awkward encounters with the said landlord.
It's kind of funny.
Life is good.
I like to have a good attitude about things.
"Sure, honey, we can move in with your brother.
I can tolerate anything for 6 months."
And I can.
It's just a funny situation to be in.
I totally appreciate that he's letting us live with him.
I just know I'll learn a good lesson on the value of having our own place because of this experience.
And hopefully I'll never take it for granted again.
Sadly, I often don't miss things until they're gone.
Just like I didn't realize how good it was at our apartment until we moved.
I just need to be content with my life.
Even if it means
I watch toy story 2 every day.
Sometimes more than once.
At least it's a funny movie!


andre'a said...

There's a snake in my boot!

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

I FEEL your pain girl. When we first got married with lived with Tommy's mom for a month THEN we lived with a family that Tommy grew up with and they had a 24 year old son and a 16 year old daughter that lived there too. hahaha I am soooo grateful that they let us live with them and allowed us to save up more money, but let me tell you, there are so many things I used to take for granted that I appreciate about living on our own now!! I love it! You'll make it through and Toy Story is hilarious! I guess it could get annoying watching it day after day though....lol ;)

Laurel said...

We did the in-law thing for a bit, too. We definitely appreciated our situation more after that experience. And with the whole movie thing-- it could be worse, right? :) Thank goodness situations like this are only temporary!

Dawn said...

We lived with my in-laws for 2 years! It was before we had kids though. But, I was sooo happy to be in our own place when we moved out. And as far as watching Toy Story2 everyday, we did that at one time as well. Now it's Wall-e all day long! We miss you having you guys around.

curly girl said...

WHAT?!? You just couldn't take it, living w/o us as neighbors anymore, huh?! I had no idea we were that crucial.

How many days is 6 months? You should make a paper chain - you know, like the ones at Christmastime.;)

Is this the brother you used to clean for???