January 1, 2009

happy new year!!

A little apron for Hazel
made of a skirt of mine and the pocket is one of my socks I don't wear
the little bernina
i love this machine, it's so simple
The front of a dress I made Hazel tonight
maybe I'll add some buttons
the back....not perfect but cute and I made it!
I promised Michael I wouldn't be staying up until midnight tonight. I rarely do, there's no point and I'm SO tired today. My darling children wake me up in the night and earlier in the morning than I prefer. I need my sleep. Michael is quite crafty and let me get some fabric at ikea and grab my other sewing machine (the one my Mom taught me to sew on and the one with the correct too). Anyway, he got his way and I've stayed awake trying trying my hand at sewing again.
I wonder if it has anything to do with my recent discovery of the show project runway....
Either way, I'm really enjoying it lately. My whole life I've never used a pattern. As you can probably tell. Maybe I should try one. Trouble is, I really like doing things quickly and I don't mind imperfections as long as it looks ok overall. So I freehand it. Anyway, Michael's done playing his game and I'm going to bed. Hopefully Michael will honor our deal and let me sleep in tomorrow. We'll see!
Happy 2009!!!


andre'a said...

Did you get to sleep in?

andre'a said...

I love your sewing! You're so good at it!

andre'a said...

Happy New Year!

andre'a said...

Man I miss you, it's like we never talk anymore.