November 14, 2008


TWILIGHT COMES OUT IN ONE WEEK! I'm totally excited. The movie might suck and that's ok. I need to see it either way just for curiousity's sake and my hubby deserves a date with me. We haven't been out alone for a loooooooong time. I think it'll be fun. Maybe dinner and a movie. Dessert too? Woo hoooooo!


jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

YESSS!! =) I'm almost positive it won't be as good as the book but I HAVE to see it...I just need to know what it turns out like! =)

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Okay so I finally started reading the series on Friday and needless to say I am almost done with the first one and ready to start the next. I am quickly becoming as obsessed as everyone else and can't wait to see the movie! Love it.