November 12, 2008

funny story

Last night I went to an Activities Committee Meeting scheduled for 7:00pm at an older couple's home in our ward. When I got there, 2 men in our ward were waiting at the door. One of them was there for our meeting with the wife of the older couple and the other was there to pick up the husband to go out on some church business. It looked like they had been waiting a while and like no one was home. This same lady forgot the last time we had a meeting too and wasn't home but we had our meeting in her home anyway. She mentioned as I was scheduling this meeting that there is a hide-a-key and where to find it if she happens to forget about this meeting like she did the last. I told the 2 men who were waiting in the rain about it and one of them called the lady and got details on where exactly to find the key so we could all get inside. She was on her way home but she didn't know where her husband was. Well we broke in and her husband just hadn't heard the door but he was getting his coat on and ready to leave with the guy who was there to pick him up. They left very quickly so they wouldn't be late for wherever they were going. That left me and one other guy in someone's house with out them home. He waited outside of course. I called Michael to tell him how weird this all was and he's like let me get this straight, it kept getting better and better to him as I explained the conversation, "You broke in to their house for your meeting, most of the fact all of the committee didn't show up, and they're not home?" It was pretty bizarre. We decided to reschedule the meeting just as the lady pulled in to her drive way. My evening went well though. I stopped and visited with a friend and made it home just in time to catch the second half of The Biggest Loser and eat hot-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies while we watched. Oh life.


Michael said...

Sounds liike a funny story.

Monica said...

Oh Tacho, the things you do for your callings. Your reward will be waiting for you!