October 20, 2008

Our Saturday

Hazel in her cute outfit I got for $1 at a garage sale Noah and Hazel in the stroller bundled in blankets Me and Michael Snoqualmie Falls A picture of the whole fam
Saturday we went to Snoqualmie Falls for a fun little day trip. We had a miscommunication that prevented us from hiking down (Michael thought we could take the stroller, we couldn't have without great difficulty) so we just saw it from the look-out points and got some hot chocolate. Afterward we went and saw the trains they have in Snoqualmie and explored a couple of shops. We also went to a baptism on Saturday and ended the night watching Office re-runs and drinking slurpees. Woohoo!


andre'a said...

frenchy, you look sooo pretty!!!!

Michael said...

Darling Saturday was really fun. Thanks for posting it on here. Well have to do more day trips like this one.