olive picked a ring pop from the bishop for her birthday treat
jude had his nine month check up
he's super healthy and right on target except for communication
but the day after his appointment he became a chatterbox so i guess there's nothing to worry about
eleanor is a ray of sunshine
noah's sweet to let them help with the lawn when they want to for a minute
jude loves food
foot long hot dogs
olive's birthday present was this bunny she picked out
she named her daffodil and we all love her
we had a fun day at the park with a girl i used to know growing up
free chick fil a for dressing like a cow
teaching daffodil to ride a scooter
we love it when we have the pool to ourselves
eleanor wrote the whole alphabet
eleanor took like 200 pictures while i was coloring and cutting jenni's hair
that was a fun surprise to find later ;)
sink bath!
happy baby