August 31, 2016

one last babymoon

i was telling andre`a a few weeks ago i was bummed we never made a babymoon happen this time
she offered to watch our kids at her house over labor day weekend
but then decided to come here and watch them
and to come the day after my birthday
she drove 8 hours here to watch our combined 8 kids overnight by herself
we were so excited to see them 
the kids waited outside for them to pull up
 and did i mention she's pregnant, too?
only 6.5 weeks behind me
she is the sweetest
 she sent us on our way shortly after arriving
and we went straight to our hotel in boise called the grove
we were on the 12th floor with a good view

 we went out to dinner at fork that night
 and then saw a late movie at the flicks
we loved it
 the next morning we slept in and checked out of our hotel
 we walked through the farmer's market and got a late breakfast at juniper
it was delicious and fun to people watch during breakfast
 we walked down freak alley after breakfast 
 and checked out st michael's thrift store
 then we drove up bogus basin before getting a couple's massage at a salon/spa in boise
not the best massage for either of us but we were glad we finally did it
we finished our babymoon with a late lunch at grimaldi's and then went home to hang out with andre`a and her kiddies some more before they left the next morning
it was so amazing to get some time with michael before this baby comes
and beyond sweet of andre`a to come here and take care of our kiddies
we are so grateful
and excited for this baby to get here in 4.5 more weeks

my 31st birthday

the night before my birthday i got dolled up in a dress i made
to go out to dinner with a bunch of my girlfriends
 33 weeks along with my sixth baby on my 31st birthday

 we went to yard house because i'd been craving their turkey sandwich
this is how my dessert came out
so cute
 crystal changed it to this for me :) 
 the whole gang
tasha, courtney, marla, crystal, alisha, kelli, me, jenni, carrington, mandy, karlyy and christina

 a selfie outside after a couple girls had left
 it was such a fun girls night out 
the next morning on my birthday
michael took the day off and we walked the kids to school
then we dropped henry and eleanor off at jenni's and went to goldy's for breakfast
 it was super delicious and so nice to be there without kids
 we went and got the little ones and then michael dropped me off for a pedicure
and brought me an icee while i was in there
so sweet
afterward we had to go to an orientation for hazel's gifted program
 after we got the kids from school we went to the cheesecake factory for dinner
and then stopped by the mall
 and we went to target after the mall
 when we got home we put the kids to bed
and then michael and i shared a piece of godiva chocolate cheesecake for dessert
it was a low-key birthday but i got to spend it with michael and do lots of fun things 
i loved it
thirty one is going to be amazing!

sweet noah and eleanor lost her first tooth!

while mowing the lawn noah accidentally stepped on a bee and injured it
so he spent the next hour or two with the help of his mom trying to nurse it back to health
he was so sad for the bee, it was very sweet
 eleanor had her pre-school orientation 
 and then went to the dentist to get her black tooth pulled
a year and a half after the initial injury (jumping on the guest bed)
it finally abscessed and had to be pulled
 she was so brave!
 luckily michael came to help and henry was pretty well behaved
 checking out her new smile

 chatting after school

August 24, 2016

first day of school

the kids started school on monday
noah is in 5th grade
 hazel is in 3rd grade
 olive is in 1st grade
 all five kiddies

 michael stayed home from work in the morning to help take the kids to school
we dropped each of them at their classes and met their teachers
they all seem really nice
 crystal and i walked to pick the kids up
and i thought hazel and jane were so cute holding hands the whole way home

 on the second day of school i walked them there so i could help them find their spots to line up
i love the crisp morning walk to their school with them

 i let them walk home alone after school
and they came home so happy, no fighting!
olive is loving first grade

 they each took turns telling me all about school
 i am so happy they're happy in their classes
 and i don't think henry and eleanor hate the extra attention at home with mom all day