August 19, 2016

the last week of summer

sunday i was 32 weeks and we had a couple minutes to spare so we went out and took some pictures
before church

 five little monkeys jumping on the trampoline
 cutest little braids

 monday we went to the discovery center
 i sent michael this picture so he could see how big my belly looked
and i could complain how heavy it felt

 we went swimming that night for family home evening
and then stopped by the dalley's to say goodbye to kenzie before she left for college
 waiting for me to stop chatting and unlock the car
 tuesday the kids all had dentist appointments
eleanor's black tooth is finally abscessing 18 months after the injury
so it'll be getting pulled next week
 don't ask me how i didn't notice she was wearing ballet slippers there...
 before he decided he wouldn't participate in his appointment
he did great until she tried to put sunglasses on him
then he was done
 tcby that night as a reward for being cavity free 
 morning cartoons before breakfast
  i love seeing these sisters happily playing together
 we love hanging out in the baby's room
and i love watching henry color his magnadoodle concentrating so hard
those pouty lips!
 my doctor won't in fact be out of town for my c-section so that's good news
and the baby is growing right on track
 last night the cub scouts and activity day girls had a combined rain gutter regatta
 hazel was super stoked she won 2nd place!!!
noah had fun, too but said he likes pinewood derby better
 pretty eleanor on my lap this morning
 hanging out on the stairs after breakfast

we've had a pretty lazy day and a low key week
i'm feeling super pregnant
i did 7 haircuts this week which was a little exhausting 
especially since it means keeping my house spotless
so we're taking it easy
and hoping michael will take us out to dinner tonight ;)

1 comment:

miriam said...

Your belly looks so cute and perfectly round. And those kids are adorable as always :)