August 19, 2016

last week

my friend christie came and stayed overnight 
the kids had so much fun playing
and we took them to our favorite snow cone shack
 we added some flowers to the playhouse
 spent lots of time at the pool

 vacuuming with a baby in her belly
 big baby
 i took the big kids each on a back to school date
noah and i went to walmart and target and got school supplies
 he loved chatting my ear off about star wars and legos
 my handsome little cuddler at the pool
 for hazel's date i took her to get a soda and a cookie from the fix 
and then we got her some school clothes
 olive and i went to frozen yogurt and got her a new pair of shoes
 and a lollipop
they all loved their one on one time with me
 on the last day of swim lessons the kids got to jump off the diving boards
noah and hazel did the high dive and olive did the regular one

 debbie and kent passed through town and took us out to lunch
it was really fun

 we ran out of time to go camping this summer and i'm pretty pregnant for it, anyway
so we let the kids camp in the backyard 

 henry and eleanor chose to sleep inside but the big kids lasted all night and loved it

 last saturday noah and olive each had birthday parties to go to at the same time
so we took the other three out for dessert to thank them for helping us with yard work all morning

 we finished up that afternoon/evening
moving lots of bark, tacking down the weed tarp, pruning trees
 and a little wrestling 

1 comment:

miriam said...

you're such a good mom, taking the time to get 1 on 1 time with your kiddos!