September 8, 2016

odds and ends

 olive is just the cutest in my old dress. and my shoes
 eleanor the roller girl
 noah thought the enormous zucchini we grew were so funny
 i love it when he sits and plays with his toys in the living room
he has a really great imagination already

 pears from the backyard

 my cute costco dates
 hazel loves her some animal print
 testing out the baby's cradle..
 i love the days i walk the kids to school
so i can watch  olive on the playground
 she's so pretty!
 i took these two to my 34.5 week OB appointment. 
 a mobile for the baby
 a bath after another poop incident....
 waiting for eleanor's carpool to preschool
 eleanor and henry were here.....i'm not super happy about this
 i love our mornings together 
just the two of us

 michael drew up plans for a shoe cubby for my birthday and made it happen last weekend

 we snuck away to angela and jex's wedding last saturday
it was beautiful and nice to have a little date
 sunday best 
35 weeks

 cute matching girls

 tadaaaa he totally nailed it
love that guy
 i wanted a picture of eleanor in her bonnet but she wouldn't stop eating for me to take it
and her sisters joined in :)

 i love a clean, quiet house at the beginning of a new week

 backyard karate club
 hazel's first day of her SIXTH year of ballet
i love her will and determination to stick with things
 olive also started gymnastics but i hated the place she was going
so she's going to start a cheer/tumbling class next week taught by my friend mandy
 i took henry to costco while eleanor was at school
and he was so cute and well behaved that i got him his own smoothie afterward :)
 matching jammies for all SIX kids
only 3.5 more weeks!!!

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