August 1, 2016

idaho falls and getting home

we all slept in sunday morning which was amazing after a long day and not great sleep the day before
 we had hotel breakfast in our church clothes
 a sweet lady offered to take our picture after breakfast

 one last look of the idaho falls temple from our hotel
 then we went and got a closer look
as soon as henry is near the temple he starts talking about Jesus
so i thought he might be calling the angel moroni Jesus
but he wasn't, he got out and yelled, "angel moroni!" 
i didn't even know he knew that
 we went in and checked out the visitors center

 we stopped to look at the temple before heading to sacrament at the church building next door
and then it was time to drive home
 i was 30 weeks that day so i asked michael to take my picture after we got home and settled

 i took this one as i was watching my belly move that evening
it was such a good little vacation
i love spending time together as a family
and making memories with our kiddies
9 weeks until our baby is here

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