July 18, 2016

the fourth of july

our fourth of july didn't go exactly as planned
we got up and wanted to go to my sister's ward breakfast
but henry had thrown up in the night and we wouldn't make it in time
we got everyone dressed and cleaned him up and headed to ikea
he seemed fine so we figured he just ate too much junk the day before
at ikea all four kids got to go in the play area so he was pretty mad he was stuck with mom and dad
we were pretty stoked to get a little breakfast date with henry
 on our way to debbie's to spend the rest of the day with michael's family
henry threw up a whole bunch
so we made the call we should pack up and head home rather than risk getting everyone sick
or us all getting sick away from home
we bought a new dvd player on the way home because ours had broken on the way there
and made more stops than normal to make it more pleasant
since the kids were pretty mad to have to leave early
 a bathroom/dinner stop
 henry was miserable on the drive home
he had a fever and his stomach hurt
we felt so bad for him but we were glad to get him in his own bed that night
we got home pretty late, around 10:30pm
the kids watched some neighborhood fireworks from the driveway while we unloaded the car
not our best fourth of july ever
but i got to spend it with the people i love the most so i can't complain too much

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