July 21, 2016

girls camp!

i didn't take nearly as many pictures as i should have 
but i got some and i'm happy to have them to remember
day one was full of getting to camp, taking pictures, explaining rules, 
playing a get-to-know you game
 and i gave that evening's devotional
i was nervous and wrote out my talk ahead of time
but when the time came i let the spirit guide and didn't use my prepared talk at all
it was really well received and i was super grateful
day two started with the polar bear plunge
 alturas lake is gorgeous and was covered in fog that morning

 every part of it came together flawlessly
the decorations, the journals, the devotionals, the games, the olympics theme
it went off without a hitch
 we had a lot of fun with the "hottie potties", too
 we did a service project for some certification
the girls helped move a bunch of fallen trees and they were so awesome about it
 i gave jenni her first idaho spud
 crystal rocked being the cook
 before the value trail on wednesday
 jenni made these awesome lanterns for them to carry along the trail
 thursday the bishop came up just in time for the skit/talent show
it was super fun

 we were Grecian urns and it was hilarious

 handing out awards on friday morning
 i ordered each of the girls and leaders these necklaces and gave them to them the last day
me and my cabin mates
we had so much fun chatting at night and i'm so grateful i had some of my closest friends there 
to help me out
 it was such a gorgeous location, too
 the whole gang before we left to go home
honestly, the week couldn't have gone better
at times i felt lame being so pregnant and tired and needing naps
but the girls were amazing, everything went perfectly
and hearing them bear their testimonies the last night was such an awesome experience
i loved it
 michael was so sweet and left work early to pick me up from the church
that evening (after i showered and napped a little) his parents watched the kids 
so we could go to dinner at gino's 
so delicious
 the next morning, after some cuddles, we said bye to michael's parents

 i've been tired all week trying to recover from camp
but the kids are sweet and patient with me
i'm a little sad that half their summer was spent with a stressed out mom getting ready for camp
and now i'm big pregnant and tired for the last half of summer
luckily, they don't seem to mind too much


Debbie said...

I'm so happy it went well. I leave today to start setting up. I love YWs camp!

Natalie Smith said...

Camp is so much work and so much fun. What a pretty place you camped in. Glad it was a successful week